Finding deals in the right places

There are hundreds of strategies to employ when sourcing lucrative property deals for a quick and maximised return. We use five of them being off-plan, new build, auction, off market and joint venture. Find out more...

Buy to Let
First Time Buyer
Tenant to owner
Let to Buy

Our 5 Property Deal Strategies

It's no secret that buying off-plan property is our preferred strategy when investing in property. The scope for capital growth is very attractive and as developers tend to build in areas of regeneration, the potential for a great rental return providing a monthly income as well as capital growth, makes the opportunity even more attractive.
New build property investment is a strategy that we have always  supported, as it offers busy people, like you, who already have work and family commitments, the opportunity begin their property investment journey as a low maintenance one until their rental income and capital growth enables them to further invest and eventually reduce their working commitments.
If you have the cash to buy a property at auction, it really is a great strategy for making money quickly and getting yourself a great deal on a property that's not going to take months for you to complete on. Whether you're buying to sell or buying to rent out, any intention will prove fruitful.
When our clients first come to us, they are often puzzled when we suggest that they can buy property that isn't on the market. Our team know exactly where to go, what to do and how to approach the owners of the properties that you would benefit from investing in.
Sometimes, joint venture and partnership are the only way to move forward with your plans to invest in property. We'd always recommend doing this with somebody you can trust, rather than waiting to save up your deposit.


If you're new to Empreso, we'd like to invite you to a FREE Property Consultancy to explore how you can step up the property ladder through our Property Accelerator Programme. 

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Top Dartford Road